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Mata Amritanandamayi

Ramana Maharshi

HWL Poonja Papaji


One Sun

Teachings » Healing (Part 2): Where does most illness come from?

The body, the emotions and the mind can all have imbalances. And these imbalances lead to illness and dis-ease.

Imbalances typically arise from a perception of the world and our subsequent interactions with the world according to our perceptions.

See how much the mental repetition of a story was the source of your wounding.

The repetition creates an emotional scar which eventually manifests in physical illness. Is there a story behind your dis-ease?

If we are fully honest, and take full responsibility for our thoughts and actions, we will see that most wounding arises from the repetition of stories.

Eckhart Tolle's "pain body" concept is a great term for describing our imprinted imbalances.

When we awaken, and begin to identify with our absolute nature, stories lose their power. We no longer create pain bodies.

However, it is very likely that we have pain bodies which we created when we were less conscious.

And as we live an awakened life, dormant pain bodies will arise as the body's vibration rises.

Does awakening help us move toward greater health in the body, mind and emotions?

Go To Part 3

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