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Mata Amritanandamayi

Ramana Maharshi

HWL Poonja Papaji


One Sun

One Sun

One Sun began his spiritual quest in his late teens, soon after leaving home for college. He discovered meditation and was exposed to the vast landscape of the subtle world. His grandmother was his first teacher sharing her many experiences with the subtle world and exposing him to the many teachings and teachers in books which he had previously not noticed and were piled up around her house.

Although One Sun was consumed with school and gaining a bachelors degree followed by a Ph.D. in chemistry, he always had some spiritual teaching he was dedicated to for those first 15 years of his quest.

Then on the morning of his 33rd birthday he began a weekend intensive with Gangaji. She read a letter from another "student" which penetrated One Sun's mind and pointed him directly to source. The remainder of the weekend confirmed and deepened his awareness of himself as Silent Awareness, pure consciousness. His quest was over.

Since then One Sun has been deepening into Self. He has been observing and writing about the nature of mind. As many have before him, he has seen the source of suffering and now shares with others the way out.

One Sun is currently living in central coastal California in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains with his wife, Natalia.

One Sun and Natalia

One Sun and his beloved wife, Natalia

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